For D’Adamo reaction to foods from each of the blood types it is the blood should save a “Cellular Memory” “Remember your ancestral type of food
For D’Adamo reaction to foods from each of the blood types would be due to the blood keeps a kind of “Cellular Memory” “Remember your ancestral type of power.” As demonstrated by Dr. Emoto with respect to the memory of water in their crystal formation .. Or neuraminidase crystals in viral infections and that allowed the development of antivirals. But because the blood reacts to certain foods as if they were dangerous enemies ?. Peter D ‘Adamo ensures that due to food lectins. What are lectins ?. They are a type of protein which antigens also cause the activation of the immune system and frequently the phenomenon of agglutination blood, some may even cause instant death in the presence of trace amounts when converting red blood cells in blood clots that clog arteries.The ingest food containing lectins incompatible with our blood group can cause various ailments and prevent us reduce weight if overweight or obese, or our body reacts by allergies or low level of antibodies.
How do I know how much a food intolerance? It could be used the test indicate that calculates the elimination through urine and feces, a substance the chemical group of indoles, when the gastrointestinal tract and liver lectins not digest food.The two main conditions of the stomach are peptic ulcer and stomach cancer and found mainly in specific blood groups: the ulcer in people group O and cancer in type A.
The best way to avoid poor dietary combinations would be:
- The animals and the meat of any kind and dairy products, combined with carbohydrates such as bread, tortillas, rice, potatoes, beans, lentils, beans, etc. proteins
- Vegetables and fruits if they combine with proteins because they contain starch and dietary fiber that have the quality to help fats to move quickly into the small intestine.
- Carbohydrates with high starch content, if combined with fruits and vegetables. Most vegetables have very little sugar and therefore digestible at any pH level.
- The melon, mango, mamey, peach, banana, watermelon can and should be eaten alone 30 minutes before any other alimento.
All fruits for its high content of water and soluble and insoluble fibers can be eaten “between meals”Avoid desserts at the end of a meal in which protein is ingested, since the fermentation with digestive problems would occur.It is recommended that fruits are not consumed before or immediately after eating protein. Do 30 minutes before and 4 hours después.No consume fruits with carbohydrates, digestion times are different, for example.An apple pie can cause indigestion, since carbohydrates fruit combined with carbohydrates concentrated in trigo.
The flour consumption of fruit with other foods, whose digestion is slower, forcing the stomach to retain the mixture longer , causing fermentation, and the subsecuentes.Hay intestinal disorders that take into account the “acid – base balance of the body, which refers to the acidity and alkalinity prevailing in different organs and body fluids. Extracellular fluids have pH of 7.4, the intracellular fluid pH is 7.0 and inside mitochondria is 6.98. The body must maintain these values because any imbalance means serious health disorders.
Avoid foods that produce acid compounds and recommended eating foods that favor the production of alkaline substances and / or know how to combine.Fruits, vegetables, and seeds, produce alkaline conditions.Proteins and fats produce acidic conditions.It is preferable to eat 5 or 6 times a day even lesser amount than it toward one before, but doing it right combinations that do poorly motivated by the pace of modern life.When good food combine the beneficial effects are:Stress resistance to diseases such as arthritis, asthma, hay fever. Because the immune system work better and if it is linked to the practice of a sport or just walking, you will notice that the quality of life improved significantly. When incompatible blood group or not combinable food is consumed suffer the following symptoms:
- incompatibility reactions.
- inflammation of the digestive tract.
- indigestion, gas production, stomachaches.
- Diarrhea or constipation and general malaise.
- affects water balance in the body prone to retention.
- Due to the previous point an increase in blood pressure.
- It increases the workload of the liver and pancreas.
Because recharge to remove toxic substances that receives both ingested with food as produced in incomplete digestion. Industrialized or processed foods, are those with greater health risk, the amount of additives and preservatives they contain, some of which can cause illness if consumed on a daily basis.Besides that processing they lose many of its properties.