The vast majority of people have had gum disease ; from a simple inflammation , called gingivitis , until a condition occurs such that bone lesions , which gives support to the teeth.
In periodontal disease , manifested as gingivitis ( gum inflammation ) gums are red and swollen , so they may bleed easily. Most of us can reverse this condition with daily brushing, flossing and regular dental visits.
Untreated gingivitis can lead to periodontitis ( inflammation of the tissue around the tooth ) in the gums pull away from the teeth, forming a pocket of pus between the tooth and gum. If left untreated, the gums and tissue that gives support to the tooth are destroyed. When infected tissue around the tooth, bacteria that are located can penetrate into the blood and cause an infection in the inside of the heart and cause a disease called infectious endocarditis, or promote the formation of plugs at the level of heart arteries, ischemic heart disease.
These infections are characterized by inflammation of the inner lining of the heart and heart valves, caused by a bacterial infection. When an individual suffers from periodontal disease (pockets of pus between the tooth and gum) just because chewing or brushing your teeth, you can hurt the gum tissue, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
The accumulation of bacteria in the heart valves, usually, leads to a fatal unless treated infection. The coronary artery disease is another type of cardiovascular disease in which the coronary artery disease (heart blood vessels) gradually become thicker, by the formation of atheromatous plaques that block blood flow to the heart. Periodontitis appears to increase the systemic inflammatory burden (C-reactive protein) which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by promoting the genesis of atheroma in the coronary arteries, which in the future will produce obstructions to the passage of blood in the heart. It has been found that people who suffer from this gum disease, are at double risk of contracting the disease of the heart arteries, compared to those who do not suffer.
This information suggests that periodontal disease is an important risk factor for getting a disease of the heart, in the same way that blood pressure, snuff, diabetes and high cholesterol. It is important to know the above exposed, since heart disease and heart attacks are the leading cause of death in Latin America. Heart disease and heart attacks constitute 30% of deaths among Latino men, more than cancer and AIDS combined. Heart disease and heart attacks are the 33.33% of deaths in women in Latin America, more than cancer, diabetes, pneumonia and influenza combined. Take care of your oral health, this will avoid many problems.